- SnyPy - Open source on-prem code snippet manager
- UI - based on Angular
- REST API - build with Django and Django Rest Framework
- Docker Setup - for development and production
- WPDC - Easy Wordpress development with Docker and Docker Compose
- udatable - Finds packages that require updates on a Python environment.
- django-model-prefix - A django module that allows to configure a global or model based database table prefix
- jQuery Rate - A simple jQuery plugin for creating graphical ratings
- Chrome Shots - A docker compose configuration that uses headless chrome with puppeteer to generate full page screenshots for a given set of urls and devices.
- django-rest-passwordreset - An extension of django rest framework, providing a configurable password reset strategy
- django-rest-multitokenauth - An extension to Django-Rest-Frameworks Token Authentication, enabling a user to have multiple authorization tokens
- drf-simple-access-key - A library that provides a simple token authorization for Django REST framework.
Wordpress plugins:
- WP Dev Notice - Displays a notification if you are working on a dev environment
- FB Pinwall - Generates a wall of photos from Facebook pages
- Anexia monitoring wordpress - A WordPress plugin used to monitor updates for core, plugins and themes. It can be also used to check if the website is alive and working correctly.
- jsonschema - An implementation of JSON Schema for Python.
- Tyk - Tyk Open Source API Gateway written in Go
- openapi-schema-validator - OpenAPI schema validator
- openapi-spec-validator - OpenAPI Spec validator
- openapi-core - OpenAPI core
- SPDX Online tools - Source for the website providing online SPDX tools.
- Ngx.Tools - Discover any Angular module/library/schematic/package hosted on NPM
- ngx-resource-factory - Angular library that enables you to work with RESTful APIs in an easy way