
Software Development Blog

Continuously generate Angular API client from Django REST Framework APIs using OpenAPI spec

Transform Django REST Framework APIs into typed Angular clients and publish to NPM automatically, with GitHub Actions and OpenAPI.

Load Apple Numbers files in Python using Pandas using Containers

Learn how you can load numbers files in python using pandas and numbers-parser in a containerized environment

Converting Instrumental Songs to Sheet Music Using Open Source AI

This guide offers a concise walkthrough on utilizing open-source AI tools to transform instrumental songs into sheet music.

Preventing migration conflicts in Django during development

This article discusses how to prevent migration conflicts in Django during development by using a migration check job and extending...

Grazer Linuxtage 2023 Overview

I attended the second day of Grazer Linuxtage 2023 and I provide a list of the talks I attended, along with my personal impressions.

Jupyter notebook development workspace using Docker, Docker Compose and Git

In the following I propose a minimal setup of Jupyter using git, docker and docker-compose in order to have consistent, reproducible...

Backup applications running in docker containers

This article discusses how to backup applications running in Docker containers.

Extend the startapp manage command for better Django template apps

How to extend the startapp management command to create better Django template apps

Automatically create an API client form an OpenAPI spec

Discover how to use an OpenAPI spec in order to automatically generate an API client

Create OpenAPI spec for Django REST Framework APIs

Learn how to create OpenAPI spec for Django REST Framework APIs

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